Tree Care

7 Common Tree Defects

至关重要的是要意识到潜在的树木缺陷,这些缺陷可能会带来安全风险或表明潜在的健康问题.  以下是需要注意的七大树木缺陷:枯枝或断枝:枯枝或无叶的树枝是严重的危险...

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How To Find a Tree Expert

研究表明,适当的修剪可以减少风暴带来的风力损害,并治愈可能会延长树木寿命的缺陷.  持证的树艺师在树木护理方面有专门的知识和专长.  They can assess the health and structural integrity of your...

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How To Plant A Tree

Trees and shrubs add beauty to landscapes. 查理向您展示了种植落叶树木或灌木的步骤,并提供了基本的护理技巧,以帮助您的植物在未来几年蓬勃发展. For more instructional videos visit

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